Darren Arbour IB Consultant, Workshop Leader, and School Visitor
Grey Matters Education
Dear HIS Leadership Team,
It was our pleasure to be there to support you and to share in the experience of your wonderful success!
Your classrooms really spoke to the uniqueness of the IB and the Al-Hayat implementation of the program, as well as serving to showcase the wonderful student work being produced every day! The teachers and staff were all doing an amazing job of hosting and sharing their enthusiasm for both Al-Hayat and the IB program!
In a few of my personal interactions with some prospective parents, including a former PYP teacher from another local IB school, all were very impressed with Al Hayat’s enthusiasm for and knowledge about the IB program, as well as how you are carrying out the mission and values of the school.
One prospective parent mentioned to me that her friend had enrolled her child at Al-Hayat this year. She said she came to the Open House because she had seen for herself how happy her friend’s child was at Al-Hayat, and because her friend shared how her child had changed so positively since being enrolled at Al-Hayat! Well, you don’t get a better endorsement than that, and this is the result of the dedication and commitment of your whole learning community!
Mary Henningsen- Co-partner Grey Matters Education
Beyond Learning
Press here to read the testimony of the Founder and Managing Director of Beyond Learning, Mr. Hammad I. Sioufi
Jennifer Chang- Wathall- Educational Consultant, author, and Instructor for the University of Hong Kong
Dr. Omar Abdul Kafi
Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar
Ayman Zeidan – HIS Father
HIS Parents
Allow me to congratulate you on this high level of integration of skills of several subjects manifested in the homework. The running challenge is undoubtedly amazing .You involved the student to record data about an interesting experiment that cost nothing. Then by answering the questions, they solved exercises on addition of decimal numbers. Furthermore, the comprehension questions were related to a scientific article which consists of both facts and analogies that bring the text closer to everyday life. The spelling bee was highly satisfactory. At last my son will study the spelling of words related to the theme and not 100 words from here and there. As to the Arabic homework, it is way beyond my imagination or expectations. This self-study and self-evaluation using a clear rubric is evidently thoughtful. In fact, it is not easy to count the higher order thinking skills you are targeting. Not to forget the deliberately chosen article about a contemporary character that will definitely arouse their sympathy with handicapped people.
Believe me this homework made me full of sorrow for not knowing this program before. We could have saved our students a lot of inconveniences.
Lubaba Al-Khaldi- HIS mother
بعدما ركبت سفينة الحياة حيث على متنها مررنا في محن وفرص وتجارب عديدة، هناك تعلّمت الكثير. فرحلتي على متنها مليئةٌ بالمفاجآت والفرص التعلّميّة التي زادتني علمًا وحبًّا لما أفعل. وبينما نواجه ونصارع الأمواج التي اعترضت طريقنا، لم أرَ أتقن أو أكثر اتّزاناً من العاملين على متنها، فالجميع يحمل في جعبته أسرارًا خفيّة لنشر العلم والمعرفة والحب. فما يُميّز حبيبتنا “الحياة” هو الحُلم المزروع في كل واحدٍ منّا، والإيمان الذي نرتقي به ونشعر بالإعتزاز والفخر من خلاله، والألفة التي وطّدت حبّنا لبعضنا البعض. هكذا تعلّمت أن أكون حالمةً بإصراري، صبورةً على محني، مبدعةً باختياراتي وراقيةً بتعاملي مع من حولي. ولم أنسَ رسالتي السّامية من التّعليم التي أضعها بين أيدي أطفالي، أقرأها لهم كلّ صباح، وأصيغها في حكاياتي لهم، فالحكايات لا تنتهي بل تبدأ عندما تنتهي ولا بدّ من أن تواصل الحكايات بداياتها حتى تكبر وتكبر لتصبح جزءاً منّا.
مريم دبيبو- معلمة في السنوات المبكرة