Facebook Twitter LinkedIn مَنْ مِنّا لم يتعرّض للتّنمّر في مرحلةٍ من مراحل حياته الدراسيّة أو حتّى المهنيّة؟ مَنْ مِنّا لم يصادف يومًا طالبًا يتعرّض للتنمّر وآخَر يستهويه حبّ التّنمّر؟ مَنْ مِنّا لم يخبره ابنه أو ابنته عن تلك الكلمات الّتي سَمِعَها والتي جعلتْهُ يُعيد التفكير في نِعَمٍ وَهبَها له الرّحمن؟ فمهما كنتَ على درجةٍ من...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn On Wednesday morning, March 18, 2020, my coworker and I rushed out of bed excitedly to enjoy our long-awaited day. We had breakfast, sipped our coffee, and enjoyed a warm talk about today’s schedule. We were extremely thrilled to meet our joyful children again even though on a ZOOM screen, as our...Read More
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...Read More