Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Ecrit par : Rawane Zeitoun La plus belle expérience que j’ai vécu durant ma vie professionnelle c’est mon travail dans un tel établissement « HIS » connu par « Al Hayat International School ». Pourtant, ce sigle porte, pour moi, des connotations différentes que personne ne peut comprendre sauf si elle aura la chance d’en devenir un...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn What is your first thought when you think of history? What is your second thought when you think of an activity? Do you ever think about the two combined? Recounting historical events is a way of recreating a past activity. So, the method in which this recreation is being done should be...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn It all started when I graduated from high school and decided to join the educational domain. I got enrolled in the university with the passion to be a teacher and to help raise future generations. To be honest, I went through many ups and downs during these past three years, but the...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I have recently noticed my need to validate that it is okay for me to cry to others. Sometimes, when we are feeling too overwhelmed, we cannot contain our emotions, and sometimes the situation practically calls out for our tears. And weirdly enough, I have noticed that when I am about to...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I won’t deny that this academic year has been quite challenging. Leading the HR department during both economic and public health crisis has been one tough task. However, despite facing many obstacles along the way, the group was able to stand together and support one another with whatever capacity available. On another...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Figure 1: (left) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (right) Bloom’s revised Taxonomy of learning. Who among us (pun intended in relation to the popular video game) does not face days when productivity drops down? Students are anxious these days. Their productivity is at an all-time low. Yet they are asked to focus and...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn –Scenario 1: I wake up at 6, wash the sleep away, and off I go to meet my colleagues, then my students. “Good morning everyone”, I utter calmly as I see them coming in. When the bell rings, I dismiss my students to their break and prepare myself for mine. – Scenario...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn العنوان: لامست قلبي دخل علينا شهر ربيع الأوّل، وعادةً ما أُحبّ في هذا الشهر، من كلّ سنة، أن أعرّف الطلاب أكثر على حياة وسيرة النبيّ ﷺ لنتذكرها سويًا. وربّما تكون بعض المعلومات جديدةً بالنسبة لبعض الطلاب. وعلى الرغم من أنني لستُ مغرمةً بالأناشيد إلا أنّ أنشودةً نصحني بها زميل...Read More
Human beings from ancient ages need to use and deal with numerical issues to control and regulate their lives and needs. So many life issues are random, miscellaneous and sometimes heterogeneous; such inputs are independent variables for numerical functions whose outputs are the dependent variables of success. How great is a language that: Sets up...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn بالرّغم من تفوق القطاع التّعليمي في جميع التّحديات وبقائه رمزًا للحضارة والتطور والوعي بأنواعه، يعيش اليوم تحدّيًا صعبًا وجدّيًا قد يكون سدًّا منيعا أمام كلّ طالب علم، لمحو مشكلة اجتماعية بارزة ألا وهي الأميّة. يسلك التّعليم في أيّامنا هذه طريقًا جديدًا ألا وهو التّعليم عن بعد. وكما لجميع الطّرق...Read More