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HIS en français, c’est quoi?

Ecrit par : Rawane Zeitoun La plus belle expérience que j’ai vécu durant ma vie professionnelle c’est mon travail dans un tel établissement...

Teaching: The Active Way

What is your first thought when you think of history? What is your second thought when you think of an activity? Do...

Off to a New Start!

It all started when I graduated from high school and decided to join the educational domain. I got enrolled in the university...

I am Human

I have recently noticed my need to validate that it is okay for me to cry to others. Sometimes, when we are...

United we stand; A crisis won’t stop us!

I won’t deny that this academic year has been quite challenging. Leading the HR department during both economic and public health crisis...

Maslow Before Bloom

Figure 1: (left) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (right) Bloom’s revised Taxonomy of learning. Who among us (pun intended in relation to the...

Standing Between Two Stools

–Scenario 1: I wake up at 6, wash the sleep away, and off I go to meet my colleagues, then my students....

لامست قلبي

                                                                                                العنوان: لامست قلبي دخل علينا شهر ربيع الأوّل، وعادةً ما أُحبّ في هذا الشهر، من كلّ سنة، أن أعرّف...
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