Facebook Twitter LinkedIn The universe that we live in expands by the minute. The number of mysterious things is uncountable. Every single planet in our galaxy and beyond is unique. Each planet has a different color, shape, dimension, and characteristics. I like to believe in the interconnectedness of the world. The same way every planet...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn مولان والجيل الصاعد لا شك أنّ كثيرًا منّا قد شاهد في نشأته بعض الأفلام التي أثّرت في نفسه بطريقة أو بأخرى. على الصعيد الشخصي، وبالرغم من الكثير من المآخذ والانتقادات المُحقّة التي نالته، فقد كان فيلم الرسوم المتحرّكة مولان[1] واحدًا منها. فبعد اجتياح جيش الهون (الشرير)...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn I’ve always liked mathematics. I have always found pleasure in solving equations and figuring out the answers to mysterious problems. I had this passion ever since I was a child, and I knew that I was able to pass this passion to others especially that I love working with kids, thus I...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn By: Samira Ezzo- LRC Coordinator What is a school without a library? Have you ever been inside a bookshop that has no books? It’s like sitting around the fire and telling a tale about how once education existed amongst the human race. This is what it would be like if an educational...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn !!!العمر يمضي… فلنتفكر ننشغل بروتين حياتنا اليومي، نستيقظ على عجل للتحضير للذهاب الى العمل وتحضير أولادنا إلى المدرسة ومنهم إلى الحضانة، ومن ثم نعود بعد العمل على عجل لتحضير وجبة الغداء وتناولها ومن ثم ترتيب ما يلزم في المنزل وبعدها تحضير أولادنا للذهاب إلى النوم باكرا، وها هي عجلة الحياة تدور مسرعة...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Looking through the window, the Atlantic Ocean came into view. The rising sun was like orange paint on a blue canvas. Its depth and beauty were begging for my attention. It was spring there; the scent of daises and lavender was spirit-lifting. Pillow-shaped clouds gliding across the sky lazily. Battlement scars of the harsh...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn مَنْ مِنّا لم يتعرّض للتّنمّر في مرحلةٍ من مراحل حياته الدراسيّة أو حتّى المهنيّة؟ مَنْ مِنّا لم يصادف يومًا طالبًا يتعرّض للتنمّر وآخَر يستهويه حبّ التّنمّر؟ مَنْ مِنّا لم يخبره ابنه أو ابنته عن تلك الكلمات الّتي سَمِعَها والتي جعلتْهُ يُعيد التفكير في نِعَمٍ وَهبَها له الرّحمن؟ فمهما كنتَ على درجةٍ من...Read More
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn On Wednesday morning, March 18, 2020, my coworker and I rushed out of bed excitedly to enjoy our long-awaited day. We had breakfast, sipped our coffee, and enjoyed a warm talk about today’s schedule. We were extremely thrilled to meet our joyful children again even though on a ZOOM screen, as our...Read More
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...Read More